Features That We Provide Influencer Marketing


    1. Bulk SMS Notifications on WhatsApp:
  • A.)Explain how businesses and organizations can send important notifications through bulk SMS services that are received on WhatsApp.
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  • B.)Highlight the convenience and effectiveness of using WhatsApp for such notifications.

  • 2. Personalized IVR Callbacks via WhatsApp:
  • A.)Describe how IVR systems can offer callback options to users, and these callbacks can be initiated through WhatsApp.
  • B.)Emphasize the convenience of receiving IVR callback notifications on WhatsApp.

  • 3. IVR and WhatsApp Integration:
  • A.) Discuss the benefits of integrating IVR systems with WhatsApp for seamless communication with customers.
  • B.)Explain how customers can initiate IVR interactions through WhatsApp.

  • 4. Compliance and WhatsApp Messaging:
  • A.)Address the compliance and regulatory considerations when using WhatsApp for bulk messaging or IVR interactions.
  • B.)Share tips on adhering to WhatsApp's policies and guidelines.


    1.Crafting Engaging SMS Content:
  • A.)Share tips for creating compelling and concise SMS messages.
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  • B.)Provide examples of effective SMS marketing messages.

  • 2.SMS Marketing Campaign Ideas:
  • A.)Offer creative SMS marketing campaign ideas, such as flash sales, limited-time offers, or loyalty programs.
  • B.Provide examples of successful SMS marketing campaigns.

  • 3. Opt-In Strategies and Compliance:
  • A.)Discuss the importance of obtaining consent from recipients before sending SMS marketing messages.
  • B.)Explain SMS marketing regulations and compliance guidelines.

  • 4. Timing and Frequency:
  • A.) Share best practices for sending SMS messages at optimal times and determining the right frequency.
  • B.)Discuss the impact of timing on open and conversion rates.

Data analysis

    1. Multi-Channel Marketing Campaigns:
  • Explain the benefits of integrating email, Bulk SMS, and IVR in a multi-channel marketing campaign.
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  • B.)Provide examples of how businesses can use these channels together to reach a wider audience.

  • 2 . SMS and Email Integration:
  • A.)Discuss how businesses can use Bulk SMS to complement their email marketing efforts.
  • Highlight the advantages of SMS for delivering time-sensitive offers or alerts.
  • C.) Book Recommendations: Recommend books related to personal growth, leadership, or self-improvement.

  • 3. IVR and Email Engagement:
  • A.)Explore how IVR systems can be used to engage email subscribers through voice interactions.
  • B.)Share ideas for combining email and IVR for surveys, feedback collection, or appointment confirmations.
  • C.) Fitness Motivation: Share workout routines, healthy recipes, and fitness inspiration.

  • 4. SMS for Email List Building:
  • A.)Explain how SMS can be used to grow email subscriber lists.
  • B.)Share strategies for using SMS to promote email sign-ups and incentivize subscriptions.


    1. Introduction to IVR SMS Integration:
  • Explain what IVR SMS integration is and how it enhances customer communication.
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  • B.)Highlight the benefits of using SMS within an IVR system for real-time interactions.

  • 2.SMS-Triggered IVR Callbacks:
  • A.)Discuss how SMS messages can trigger automated IVR callbacks.
  • B.)Explain the advantages of allowing customers to initiate IVR interactions via SMS.

  • 3.SMS Notifications with IVR Follow-Ups:
  • A.) Showcase how businesses can use Bulk SMS to send notifications and use IVR for follow-up interactions.
  • B.)Provide examples of appointment reminders followed by IVR confirmations.

  • 4. Emergency Alerts and IVR Assistance:
  • A.)Explore the role of SMS in delivering emergency alerts and how IVR can provide further assistance.
  • B.)Share scenarios where this combination is vital, such as natural disasters.