What is Chat GPT? Exploring AI Chatbots


29 July, 2024

Ever thought that you were really having a conversation with a computer program? That's what AI chatbots can do. Interested in learning what is Chat GPT? and how AI chatbots are changing things? Let's go deep into it!

What is Chatbot GPT: The Big Picture

The usage of AI chatbots is gaining significant ground. You will probably find them on some company's website, offering 24/7 customer support or answering frequently asked questions.

For instance, you visit an e-commerce store late at night for purchasing and have a question in your mind regarding the size of the product. In this case, the chatbot shall immediately resolve your problem, saving you from waiting for the customer service representative.

They are applicable in education to give each student a personalized learning experience.

What is Chat GPT? Your Conversational AI Partner

ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. Think of it as your super-smart colleague who is always up for a chat and is plugged in to a gigantic library with all kinds of knowledge. It works by the analysis of vast amounts of text data, which allows it to understand patterns and predict sequences of words in order to come out with human-like responses.